Photo courtesy of the 826LA.
Organizations may apply if they meet all of the following eligibility requirements at the time of application:
a. Tax exempt status, as defined by the IRS.
b. Principal offices in Los Angeles County as demonstrated by the address listed on 990, with an exception for arts service organizations with offices in Los Angeles County and primary headquarters in California.
c. A primary mission to provide arts programming, as demonstrated by more than 50% of the applicant organization’s budget devoted to arts programming.
d. A functioning board of directors that meets regularly at minimum once per year, with at least 51% of members residing in California.
e. At least two full and consecutive years of producing and programming history in Los Angeles County either in-person or online. For two most recently completed years (2021-2023), organization is required to have produced at least four live or virtual public programs, performances, exhibitions, or other activities such as arts education or literary arts each fiscal year. Fundraising events and programs do not qualify. Exceptions are made for organizations established for the sole purpose of mounting biennial or triennial festivals though these types of organizations are required to have mounted two or more festivals prior to application.
f. A submitted Federal Form 990 for a tax year ending on or after December 31, 2022. A submitted Federal Form 990, 990-EZ or 990-N is required of all applicants. Applicants with budgets under $50,000 should submit a copy of their most recently submitted 990-N.
g. For organizations with operating budgets of $2,000,000 and above, a financial audit for the applicant organization’s most recently completed fiscal year for a tax year ending on or after June 30, 2022.
h. A complete OGP Funder Report downloaded from the SMU DataArts website, showing at least three consecutive recently completed fiscal years. The most recently completed year of the OGP Funder Report must match the end-year of the applicant’s most recently submitted Federal Form 990. For applicants with budgets of $2,000,000 and greater, the most recent year of the OGP Funder Report must also match the applicant’s most recent financial audit. NOTE: For organizations with only two full and consecutive years of producing and programming history, submitting an OGP Funder Report for two recently completed fiscal years is acceptable. The budget listed on the OGP Funder Report must be within 10% of total revenue line on the most recent 990.
i. If applicant previously received a OGP grant within the previous three (3) years, applicant must have met all Arts and Culture grant conditions during the most recent grant period. Any organization that has not met previous OGP grant agreement conditions are disqualified from reapplying for three (3) years.
j. No previous commitment to receive OGP funds during FY2024-2026. Any organization that executed a two-year OGP grant agreement in FY2024-25 cannot reapply for the FY2025-26 program for the purpose of obtaining a higher score or award. An organization may apply to participate in other Department of Arts and Culture initiatives and programs such as the Arts Internship Program.
k. New applicants and applicants that did not receive funding the last time they applied to the Organizational Grant Program are required to attend an OGP workshop by participating in or reviewing a webinar online. No exceptions will be made.
l. Fiscally sponsored organizations with a verified State of California-based fiscal sponsor who possess Model A comprehensive sponsorship agreement with the Fiscal Sponsor are eligible to apply (a copy of the agreement or verification letter from the sponsor will be required with the application, along with a copy of the sponsor’s 990 tax form listing a State of California address).
Organizations that are not eligible to apply are:
- Organizations whose primary mission is to raise funds.
- Educational institutions which lead to a degree or diploma, including but not limited to private or public schools or scholarship programs, colleges and universities. This includes departments and programs therein, with the exception of arts organizations that possess independent 501(c)(3) status.
- Student groups, recreational or social organizations.
- Municipal or County government agencies, departments, and cultural institutions that have a line item in the Los Angeles County budget, and related 501(c)3 foundations affiliated with those institutions identified in the Los Angeles County budget.
- Organizations with fiscal agents or fiscal sponsors unless the organization holds a Model A comprehensive sponsorship agreement with the Fiscal Sponsor (a copy of the agreement or verification letter from the sponsor will be required with the application).
- Organizations whose primary mission is not arts related (e.g. - social service, religious, education or health organizations).
- Organizations not open to the general public.
Organizations with an accumulated deficit of more than 20% of their total operational expenses for two or more years.Note: This requirement has been temporarily suspended until the FY 2026-27 application cycle- Individual artists
Under special circumstances, exceptions to the requirements herein may be considered:
- When an organization proposes innovative or exemplary projects which merit unique funding consideration, or
- When extraordinary circumstances require a member of the Board of Supervisors to request special and/or one-time-only consideration.
Want More Info?
For more information please contact Grants staff at or (213) 202-5858.